EDEN CONSULTING is an independent consulting company implementing modern information technologies and procedures in the area of complex integrated information
The company is focused primarily at projects of complex integrated information systems for large industry corporations, as well as
geoinformation systems (GIS/GiS), municipal information systems (MIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP)
and spatial resource planning (SRP) systems, automated mapping and facility management systems (AM/FM) and for government institutions. Latest
object oriented technologies based on industry standards are used for project
clients include:
- customers implementing their IS, who need expert and methodological support consulting services or project supervising, representing customer's needs in the negotiation with IT suppliers, as well as in the preparation and specification of project specifications,
- IT suppliers who implement complex integrated IS for their customers, and need expert advice throughout individual implementation phases, such as IS conceptual design, project planning and preparation, project control, analysis and design, IS architecture, functional and technical architecture, analytical and logical IS models, task processing of implementation phases of IS, methodological and project supervising of IS implementation phases, intentions and recommendation processing of extension and development of operational IS.

services are based on:
* specialists
* methodologies
* tools
* knowledge
specialists and managers are trained for preparation, planning and managing the implementation of complex information systems specialised for analytical and design phases of IS projects as well as methodological support of the above mentioned phases.
The tasks are implemented by:
the most modern tools :
* CASE tools in the area of object oriented analyses and visual modeling – Select Architect (SELECT Business
Solutions/LBMS), Visual Paradigm (Visual Paradigm),
* CASE tools in the area of process modeling – Select Architect (SELECT Business
QPR ProcessDesigner (QPR Software Plc),
* SW tools for document management (M-Files DMS),
* CASE tools in the area of requirements and workflow - Solutions Business Manager (Serena),
* Microsoft Project (Microsoft) and Process Director (SELECT Business Solutions/LBMS) - in the area of project planning and managing,
* GE Smallworld Technology (GE Energy) for GIS/AM/FM and SRP/ERP systems,
* Oracle RDBMS/Oracle Spatial (ORACLE) for GIS/AM/FM and SRP/ERP systems,
* MicroStation CAD, GeoGraphics, GeoParcel, IRAS/B, Descartes (Bentley Systems) for GIS/AM/FM
* MapInfo (Pitney Bowes Business Insight) for GIS and Desktop Mapping,
* netTerrain (Graphical Networks) for technical architecture of IS,
mapping and visual modeling of IT&COM infrastructure, build CMDB,
* CA netVIZ (Computer Associates-CA) for technical architecture of IS,
mapping and visual modeling of IT&COM infrastructure, build CMDB,
Express Software Manager (Cherwell
Software) for hw a sw asset management.
verified methodologies and procedures :
* in the area of project analyses and
functional IS architecture - on the basis of object oriented analyses procedures, using standard UML notation (Unified Modeling Language)

* in the area of
technical IS architecture and technical infrastructure
* in the area of project planning and project management
* in the area of business process modeling (BPM), using standard Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

knowledge and experience
primarily acquired by implementation of akin IS projects, where our specialists have